It is important to do a thorough market research, before you take the leap and start selling.
are listed the two main steps you should take.
As we already mentioned, keywords are important for the organic rank. How to begin with
keyword research? Imagine you were the customer and needed the product you are selling.
words would you type in the search engine? Start by searching the words that come first
mind and then use other combinations.
The keywords can be categorized in four groups: awareness keywords, interest keywords,
decision keywords and conversion keywords, which is a combination of the previous three
Awareness keywords are the ones with the highest search volume, but have low sales rate.
Interest keywords narrow the search, showing results more relevant to what a customer is
looking for. Decision keywords are long-tail keywords with a lower search volume and a
higher purchase rate.
Let’s take a look at the headphones example:
You can either do the keyword research by typing different combinations in the search engine,
takes time, or again use an analyzing program. It helps you find actual keywords that customers
to find what they need, so that you can include them in your product page and get higher sales.
A well-written and expressive listing should accurately describe your product and point out its
advantages. It consists of the following components:
DO follow the character count instructions on all elements.